Electrify Your Ride Electric vehicles have come a long way. Checkout the stats, incentives and local electric car dealers. |
Demand Response Get paid $85/smart thermostat when you enroll with PSEGLI and $25 annually. Find out why this is critical on the South Fork. |
Leaf Blowers Hours of Operation vary by season. Click here for incentives available to replace gas with battery-operated leaf blowers and more. |
Energy Smart Homes Make your home more energy efficient by starting with a FREE energy audit. Learn what you can do to tighten your building envelope, reduce air leaks and improve comfort. |
Clean Heating & Cooling With a geothermal heat pump, energy costs cut by 40-70%. Retrofits surprisingly affordable, especially if furnace at end of life, click for case studies. |
Go Solar Tap into the energy from the sun. Finance ownership at today’s rates and pay less/month than your current cost of electricity. |
Battery Storage Remember the headline “Henri Sets Sights On The East End”. The next storm could leave you in the dark. Consider battery back-up in place of a gas generator. |
REAP the Savings Residential Energy Affordability Partnership (REAP) program is FREE for qualifying customers and can make your home safer, healthier & energy efficient. |