Energy Smart Homes
Renovating a home, or simply want to fix those cold rooms in your house?
How a sustainable home can be more comfortable, healthy, and affordable. We spend more than 90% of our time inside, so it makes sense to think about the quality of the environment inside your home. And the good news is, if you improve the environment within the boundaries of your property, you will likely improve the greater global environment too. Think small, impact big. |
Strategies to Save Energy & Reduce Bills
In this section, we will consider:
Consider replacing your heating system with a heat pump. Heat pumps provide heat AND cooling, are powered by electricity instead of gas, are more energy efficient, and have lower operating costs.
If you can team up a heat pump with geothermal or solar or both, with incentives, your costs should rival a standard and inefficient system when considering long term operating and maintenance costs. A properly designed system will be cleaner, more comfortable to live in, and cheaper to operate.
If you can team up a heat pump with geothermal or solar or both, with incentives, your costs should rival a standard and inefficient system when considering long term operating and maintenance costs. A properly designed system will be cleaner, more comfortable to live in, and cheaper to operate.