Battery Storage
How Energy Storage Works
Energy storage systems are designed to charge when excess electricity is available from your solar system. Energy storage systems can also be charged from the electric grid however at this time, the NYSDERDA rebate is only available to those Residential Battery Storage Systems paired with solar and enrolled in a Demand Response Program(1) with the Utility.
The battery chemistry most common with homeowners is Lithium-ion. Solar battery installations
Solar with Storage:The Basics by Energy Queensland
A battery storage system looks like a box mounted on the wall or a small cabinet. Generally, a storage system will be placed near your home’s circuit breaker panel in the basement, on the wall of a garage, or attached to your house.
Your home will still be connected to the electric grid during everyday operation. However, if the electric grid goes out, your backup storage system will continue without interruption. It will be configured to electrify critical functions like heat, refridgeration, lighting, and a few electrical outlets, without needing a backup generator. |